Write on the board:
Making Present Deductions:
We use the modals
Could / may /might + infinitive to say that something
is possible
Must + infinitive to say that something is certain
Can’t + infinitive to say that something is impossible
e.g: They might be
Making Past Deductions:
We use the modals
Must + past participle to make a logical deduction
about what has happened
Could / may /might + past participle to offer possible
explanations for what happened
We use can’t + past participle to say that it is
impossible that something has happened
e.g.: It could have been an accident
Make copies of the texts below. Ask your students to get into pairs or
trios and give each group a different unsolved mystery. Ask them to read
and talk to each other about it.
After that, tell them to write possible explanations of what those
mysteries could possibly be about (present deductions), and what could have
happened, ( past deductions).
Finally each group should talk about their mystery to the class, and also presents
their deductions about the mystery. Allow the other students to make their own deductions about their mates’ mysteriy as well.
Mary Celeste

Mary Celeste was launched in Nova Scotia in 1860. Her original name was “Amazon”. She was 103 ft overall displacing 280 tons and listed as a half-brig. Over the next 10 years she was involved in several accidents at sea and passed through a number of owners. Eventually she turned up at a New York salvage auction where she was purchased for $3,000. After extensive repairs she was put under American registry and renamed “Mary Celeste”. The new captain of Mary Celeste was Benjamin Briggs, 37, a master with three previous commands. On November 7, 1872 the ship departed New York with Captain Briggs, his wife, young daughter and a crew of eight. The ship was loaded with 1700 barrels of raw American alcohol bound for Genoa, Italy. The captain, his family and crew were never seen again. The ship was found floating in the middle of the Strait of Gibraltar. There were no signs of struggle on board and all documents except the captain’s log were missing. In early 1873, it was reported that two lifeboats grounded in Spain, one with a body and an American flag, the other containing five bodies. It has been alleged that these could have been the remains of the crew of the Mary Celeste. However, the bodies were apparently never identified
The taos hum

The ‘Taos Hum’ is a low-pitched sound heard in numerous places worldwide, especially in the USA, UK, and northern europe. It is usually heard only in quiet environments, and is often described as sounding like a distant diesel engine. Since it has proven indetectable by microphones or VLF antennae, its source and nature is still a mystery. In 1997 Congress directed scientists and observers from some of the most prestigious research institutes in the nation to look into a strange low frequency noise heard by residents in and around the small town of Taos, New Mexico. For years those who had heard the noise, often described by them as a “hum”, had been looking for answers. To this day no one knows the cause of the hum.
Voynich manuscript

Bermuda Triangle

The Babushka Lady

Marfa lights

The Mothman
Mothman is the name given to a strange creature
reported in the Charleston and Point Pleasant areas of West Virginia between
November 1966 and December 1967. The creature was sporadically reported to be
seen before and after those dates, with some sightings as recent as 2007. Most
observers describe the Mothman as a winged man-sized creature with large
reflective red eyes. It often appeared to have no head, with its eyes set into
its chest. A number of hypotheses have been presented to explain eyewitness
accounts, ranging from misidentification and coincidence to paranormal
phenomena and conspiracy theories. The Mothman was first spotted in 1926 by a
young boy. At the same time, three men were digging a grave in a nearby
graveyard when they saw a brown human shape with wings soaring out from behind
trees. Both incidents were reported independently of each other. There have
been numerous sightings of Mothman though no photographic evidence exists at
so scary!! love - mayara
ReplyDeleteThis is brilliant! Thanks a ton. =)